Fine Arts Camp


Fine Arts Camp 2024

The Southern Union Fine Arts Department is very excited about your interest in our Fine Arts Camp scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, July 10-11, 2024.  The Southern Union Fine Arts Camp will offer a wonderful and unique experience for students to explore their interest and expand their talents in the areas of music and dance. Our camp will provide a noncompetitive, nurturing environment based on our belief that students benefit most when they feel safe to venture into new activities and grow in confidence and new-found abilities.  


Please find the registration form here. Please fill this form out and send/delivery to Southern Union before July 1st. Please include payment. This form can be mailed to Steve Spratlin, SUSCC, P.O BOX 1000, Wadley, AL 36276. No refunds will be issued. 

If you wish to fill out your registration form digitally, please click the link below:

Housing Options: 

We are happy to welcome campers into our dormitories for the evenings after camp has concluded. Please click here for more information and here for the waiver for your camper. 

The Southern Union Fine Arts Department is looking forward to welcoming these talented campers to our beautiful Wadley campus. For more information, please click here to hear from Dean Steve Spratlin, our Fine Arts Chair for all the exciting opportunities at Fine Arts Camp! 


For any other information, please contact:

Steve Spratlin, Fine Arts Chair -

Sonja Fincher, Dance Instructor -

Dr. Trey Rayfield, Music Instructor -