Student ID Cards
Students who have paid their tuition and fees are able to obtain their Southern Union Student Identification Card from Opelika or Wadley campus libraries during hours of service (after 8 am) for that campus library. All students must have proof of paid registration and a picture ID (drivers licenses, military ID, etc..) when they come to obtain their SUSCC ID card. Only names the student is registered under will appear on the ID card; no shorten versions (William not Will) or nicknames (Peaches) are permitted. Hats, hair or any head coverings that shadows or covers the face cannot be worn when your ID picture is taken. If you have been accepted into a special program (nursing, cosmetology, paramedics, etc.) you should notify the staff member at the time you have your ID taken to ensure the correct information is included on your card. Lost or stolen ID cards that have not expired can be replaced for a $10 fee. Expired ID cards are replaced at no charge to the student.
Students must obtain a Southern Union Student ID Card prior to purchasing books from the bookstore, borrowing (checkout) materials, or to access reserve items. Additionally, students must have their ID card, not student number, to renew items.
Currently, ID cards are not available on the Valley campus but this will be resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Parking Permits
Parking permits are $20. Students must complete the online form below to recieve a parking permit.
Register online for a Parking PermitParking is permitted in designated spaces only and violators will be subject to fines or towing. For more information on parking regulations, click here.