General Information Notices and Access
Each year a school must distribute to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information it must provide in these general categories:
- General Disclosures
- Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report
- Equity in Athletics Data
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) information. This notice will be emailed to each enrolled student.
Academic Policies
The College is authorized to award the Associate in Science, Associate in Occupational Technologies, and Associate in Applied Science degrees as well as certificates in occupationally specific areas. These degrees and certificates are obtained by students successfully completing a series of courses called a “program” of study.
The Academic Division at Southern Union State Community College offers the Associate in Science (A.S.) and Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees. Students may also earn Certificates in some curriculum areas. Academic Division departments include Business, Child Development, Fine Arts, Language Arts, Mathematics, and Social Science. The SUSCC Learning Resource Centers are also part of the Academic Division.
Since the College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the College’s academic courses, dependent upon an individual’s program of study, are transferable to other colleges and universities. All academic courses are taught by fully qualified instructors with a low student to teacher ratio. Through an articulation agreement between Alabama two- and four-year colleges and universities, two-year college students completing a planned university parallel program in Areas I - IV of the Associate in Science degree plus Area V courses that are appropriate to their major and/or degree program are guaranteed junior status upon transferring to the upper division college.
Class Scheduling
Class Schedules
Class schedules are distributed prior to registration dates. These schedules provide students with information they need in registering for the subsequent term. The College reserves the right to cancel any course listed in the schedule of classes or to change instructors as conditions necessitate.
Registration Procedures
Students must follow the registration procedures established by the College to register initially for a course or to change their program after initial registration.
Courses are offered at Southern Union to fulfill degree and certificate requirements. With exception for specialized training programs, course numbers and descriptions are chosen from the Common Course Guide which is required system wide by the Department of Postsecondary Education for all Alabama College System colleges.
Course Load
Course work at Southern Union is measured in terms of “semester hours.” The semester hour in the academic division represents one hour of lecture or other standard classroom instruction or two hours of experimental laboratory per week for one semester of approximately fifteen weeks. The semester hour in the technical and health sciences divisions represents one hour of theory, two hours of experimental laboratory, three hours of clinical practice/manipulative laboratory.
Course Overload Special approval from the appropriate instructional dean is required for students who desire to register for more than 19 credit hours. Students may not register for more than 24 credit hours during any term. A cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher is required for consideration.
Schedule Adjustments
All changes in student schedules shall be made during the drop and add period (see College Calendar).
Withdrawal from a Single Course
A student who wishes to drop a single course may do so by obtaining a “Drop/Add Form” from the Records Office or Campus Administrative Office and by processing the form. Prior to the deadline date specified in the college calendar, the student will receive a grade of “W” for any course dropped. Withdrawal after the date specified in the calendar is permitted only under extenuating circumstances and requires the approval of the appropriate instructional dean. A grade of “W” is assigned if the student is doing satisfactory work and approval is given. Otherwise, a grade of “F” is assigned. Courses in which a final grade has been earned may not be dropped. A student may also drop a single course via the internet.
Withdrawal from the College
A student may withdraw from the College at any time during the term by obtaining a “Withdrawal Request Form” from the Admissions Office or Campus Administrative Office and having it processed. Any withdrawal before the deadline specified in the calendar will result in a grade of “W” in all courses. After the date specified in the calendar, a grade of “W” (withdrawn not failing) will be assigned only if the student is doing satisfactory work at the time of withdrawal and extenuating circumstances apply. A grade of “F” will be assigned if the student is not doing passing work at the time of withdrawal or if s/he fails to follow the above procedure. Students may also completely withdraw from college via the internet.
Administrative Withdrawal or Drop from a Course or from College
A student may be dropped administratively from any course for (1) failure to complete college registration properly; (2) failure to fulfill conditions of registration in those cases when a student may have been allowed to register on a conditional basis; (3) falsification of application and/or records (4) failure to fulfill other conditions of admissions and/or registration; (5) failure to comply with student Southern Union State Community College conduct standards; (6) failure to attend class(es); and (7) failure to comply with “Standards of Practice” as established by the Alabama Board of Nursing, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, or other regulatory or licensing agencies for programs of study in the Health Sciences Division.
Repetition of Courses
Any course for which a student has previously registered may be repeated. Each attempt that results in an official grade (A, B, C, D, and F) will be recorded on the student’s transcript, and each attempt resulting in an official grade will be used in computing the grade point average except in the case of implementation of the grade adjustment policy. No course in which the last grade received was an “F” may be counted toward graduation. Also, a course may be counted only once toward fulfillment of credit hours for graduation. The student should be aware that the last grade recorded may be regarded by a senior institution as the grade of record for transfer purposes. Institutional Scholarships will not pay for a repeat of successfully completed courses.
Course Forgiveness Policy
Any course for which the student has previously registered may be repeated. When a course is repeated one time, the last grade awarded (excluding grades of “W”) replaces the previous grade in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average during the term in which the course was first attempted will not be affected. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted. When a course is repeated more than once, all grades for the course – excluding the first grade- will be employed in computation of the cumulative grade point average. A course may be counted only once toward fulfillment of credit hours for graduation. This policy applies to Southern Union State Community College courses only. Implementation of forgiveness does not guarantee that other institutions will approve such action. This determination will be made by the respective transfer institutions. A student may request forgiveness by completing a “Request for Course Forgiveness” forms in Student Records. Southern Union transcripts will include two GPAs: a semester GPA and a cumulative GPA may not include grades for all courses attempted. Course Forgiveness will not be granted for terms prior to the initiation of this policy (Fall Term, 1998).
Transient Form (SU Students)
Southern Union students wishing to take courses at another postsecondary institution and receive transfer credit must receive a Transient Form. To apply for a transient form, a student must meet the following criteria:
(a) In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, transient forms are provided upon the student’s written
request.Requests must be done in person through an academic advisor.
(b) Students must be currently enrolled at Southern Union with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
(c) Students must be planning to return to Southern Union the next term after the transient status.
(d) Requests should be made at least one week prior to need.
(e) Requests may be denied for students who have a financial or other obligation to the college.
It is the student’s responsibility to have an official transcript forwarded to the Admissions Office at Southern Union after completing courses at another institution.
Accreditation Information & Academic Programs
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097
Southern Union State Community College instructional programs have received individual professional accreditation/approval from the following organizations:
Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) - The ADN program at SUSCC located in Opelika, AL is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education and Nursing, 3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326; telephone (404) 975-5000. The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the ADN program is continued accreditation (2021). View the public information disclosed by ACEN regarding this program at The Associate Degree Nursing program is approved by the Alabama State Board of Nursing.
Computer Science Certified Internet Web Professional (CIW) - Authorized academic partner. Pearson VUE authorized Testing Center.
Cosmetology - Approved by the Alabama Board of Cosmetology.
Emergency Medical Services - The Paramedic Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the EMS Professionals (CoAEMSP). Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs1361 Park Street Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 210-2350; Website:
Nursing Assistant - approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health, Division of Healthcare Facilities.
Practical Nursing (PN Program) - approved by the Alabama State Board of Nursing.
Radiologic Technology Program - accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) (20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, (312) 704-5300).
Physical Therapist Assistant Program - Graduation from a physical therapist assistant education program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA, 22305; phone: 703-706-3245; is necessary for eligibility to sit for the licensure examination, which is required in all states.
The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Southern Union State Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Jeff Leatherman, DPT, MS, PT, Program Director at 334-756-4121 x 5254 or email
Surgical Technology Program - accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.
Therapeutic Massage - Approved as a licensed Massage Therapy School by the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy. State of Georgia Board Recognized Massage Therapy Educational Program.
Welding - American Welding Society (AWS), Certified Test Facility Southern Union State Community College.
Machine Shop Technology - The Machine Technology program is accredited by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). National Institute for Metalworking Skills 10565 Fairfax Blvd. Suite 203 Fairfax, Virginia 22030,
Information regarding accreditation is available in the College Catalog/Student Handbook and on the College website
The current listing of all programs offered by SUSCC -
Southern Union State Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) to award the Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science and Associate in Occupational Technologies Degrees. Inquires related to the accreditation status of the College may be directed to:
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097
Telephone: (404)679-4501
Southern Union State Community College instructional programs have received individual professional accreditation/approval from the following organizations:
Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) - accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (61Broadway, New York, NY 10006; telephone (212) 363-5555 extension 153; fax
(212) 812-0390; website: and approved by the Alabama State Board of Nursing.
Computer Science Certified Internet Web Professional (CIW) - Authorized academic partner. Pearson VUE authorized Testing Center.
Cosmetology - Approved by the Alabama Board of Cosmetology.
Emergency Medical Services - accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for EMS Professionals (CoAEMSP) (1248 Harwood Road, Bedford, TX 76021-4244; (817) 283-9403).
Nursing Assistant - approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health, Division of Healthcare Facilities.
Practical Nursing (PN Program) - approved by the Alabama State Board of Nursing.
Radiologic Technology Program - accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) (20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, (312) 704-5300).
Surgical Technology Program - accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.
Therapeutic Massage - Approved as a licensed Massage Therapy School by the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy. State of Georgia Board Recognized Massage Therapy Educational Program.
Welding - American Welding Society (AWS), Certified Test Facility Southern Union State Community College
Information regarding accreditation is available in the College Catalog/Student Handbook and on the College website.
Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support
As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available upon request to students and the general public. For additional information or to receive a paper copy of the report, contact the Athletic Department, (256) 395-2211.
Class Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend each class session, to arrive on time, and to remain for the entire class session. Faculty will record attendance from the first day of the semester. Excessive absences, regardless of the reason or circumstance, may interfere with the student’s ability to successfully complete the requirements of the course. In such cases, the student should withdraw from the class before the last date to drop with a grade of “W”. Withdrawal from class may affect eligibility for federal financial aid. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for information.
When a student is absent from class, the student is responsible for all material covered in class and for any assignments made in class. The instructor is not required to review with the student any material missed as a result of being absent, nor is the instructor required to notify a student if the student is in danger of a lowered grade due to any graded work missed. The instructor is not required to provide an opportunity for makeup. The instructor’s policies regarding makeup work shall be clearly defined in the syllabus to be distributed on the first day of class.
Attendance policies for Hybrid and Online courses are the same as other courses. Attendance requirements in programs that lead to board licensure or certification may differ from this policy.
*For additional information policies and procedures refer to academic policy in the college catalog.
5. Copyright Infridgment Policy
Information about the College’s policy related to the use of copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer files sharing, may be found under the Acceptable Use Policy heading as outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. Click here for a detailed outline of this policy and sanctions that may be imposed for violations. Students and others are also reminded that copyright infringement is a federal offense punishable by law.
Cost of Attending the College (Tuition & Fees)/ Refund Policy
General Policies
- Students must pay tuition and fees in full by the published due date in order to have their names placed on class rolls and to attend classes. Payment may be in any combination of cash, check, Visa or MasterCard, Discover Card, grants, and scholarships. Sponsored students, i.e., Vocational Rehabilitation Service, Alabama Veterans Affairs, etc., must have written authorization from the appropriate agency to complete registration.
- Students who fail to pay tuition and fees are not registered and should not attend class.
- Southern Union State Community College reserves the right to revise fees, price schedules and terms of payment, and other financial elements listed in this catalog at any time without notice.
- Tuition is waived for Alabamians age 60+ through the Senior Adult Scholarship Program if enrollees concur with program guidelines in course selection. Fees must be paid by the senior adult student.
The following Additional Fees are Charged When Applicable:
Late Registration Fee: $25.00 (incurred if registration is not completed on published regular registration date) Note: Students utilizing VA education benefits shall not be charged a penalty, including assessment of late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities or be required to burrow additional funds because of the individual’s inability to meet their financial obligations due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Returned Check Fee: $30.00 for each returned check
Diploma Fee: $25.00 (nonrefundable) for diploma and cover. Cap and gown are rented for an additional fee from the bookstore.
ACCUPLACER Retest Fee: $8.00
Other Fees: Various PED courses are submitted to fees payable to the facilities used in these classes. For health science and technical programs, various program fees are charged for liability insurance, assessment fees, lab fees, and drug testing fees based on the individual program of study.
Online Fee: $35.00 Proctor U Fee (per online class)
To view the annual cost of attendance sheets and individual program costs, click the link below:
To review our College Refund Policy, click here.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
In compliance with the drug-free workplace requirements of Public Law 100-690 for the recipients of Federal contracts and grants, the following policy is in effect for Southern Union State Community College.
8. Examinations and Grading
Students will be expected to take their final examinations at the regularly scheduled times. No exceptions will be made without the permission of the instructor of the course and the appropriate Dean. The request for an early exam must be made three weeks in advance of the final examination period. Makeup examinations or early examinations are not permitted unless the student satisfies the faculty member and the Dean that the absence involves an official college trip, a return or responsibility to another educational institution, or an emergency such as illness (doctor’s statement), death in the family, or court appearance.
Grade reports-At the end of each term
Facility and Services for Disabled Students
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against any qualified person regardless of his or her disability. The College strives to create a welcoming environment and will work in good faith to meet the needs of all populations. All reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified disabled students, applicants, or employees, will be met unless to do so would present an undue hardship to the College.
To request accommodations, students with disabilities should provide documentation of the disability to the ADA Coordinator on their campus. The documentation should address the specific accommodation and should be dated within three years of the enrollment date. Once the documentation is filed with the ADA Coordinator, the student’s instructors will be notified of the requested accommodation. Students should update their information with the ADA Coordinator by the courses for which they are seeking accommodations each semester.
For additional ADA accommodations, forms, and links click here.
Information on facilities and services for disabled students is outlined on the College web site. individuals may also contact the following Compliance Officers:
Opelika Campus:
Joseph Halsey
Phone: (334)745-6437 ext. 5354 Email:
Valley Campus:
Robin Brown
Phone: (334)756-4151 ext. 5204 Email:
Wadley Campus:
Tiffanie Character
Phone: (256)395-2211 ext. 5154 Email:
Faculty & Other College Personnel
For additional information refer to the college faculty in the College catalog by clicking here.
The campus directory can also provide contact information for all employees by clicking here.
Family Educational and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, U.S.C. 20 § 1232g, Southern Union State Community College may disclose certain student information as “directory information.” Directory information includes the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and major fields of study of students, as well as information about students’ participation in officially recognized activities and sports, the weight and height of members of the athletic teams, the dates of attendance by students, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the respective student. If any student has an objection to any of the aforementioned information being released during any given term or academic year, the student should notify the Registrar through written communication.
Notification of Student rights under FERPA
FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights are listed below.
- The right to inspect and to review the student’s educational records.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.
- The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extend that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
- The right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by Southern Union State Community College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
- The right to obtain a copy of Southern Union State Community College’s student records policy, which is available at the Records Office.
The College is also required to annually notify students of their rights under FERPA. Students are provided an annual notice via email. Interested parties may obtain a paper copy of information regarding FERPA.
Grade Reports
At the close of each term, an individual report showing the scholastic record of each student is accessible on-line through the "mySUSCC" web portal. These grades are a part of the student’s permanent record and will be recorded on his/her official transcript. At the option of the instructor, midterm progress reports may be sent to students who are in danger of failing a course. Midterm alerts are sent to the student’s Southern Union email account.
Health and Campus Safety
Each year, Southern Union State Community College prepares a Campus Security and Crime Report and distributes it to the College community. The report, which is issued by October 1, contains detailed information on campus police and security personnel, drug and alcohol abuse policies, sexual harassment policies, crime prevention, crime prevention tips, information on reporting criminal activity, and timely warnings regarding campus emergencies. The report also includes statistics concerning crimes on campus. For a complete copy of this report and to review additional information regarding campus.
Vaccination policy:
Southern Union State Community College does not have a policy regarding vaccinations; however, the College is concerned about the health and wellbeing of all members of the College community. Students admitted to Health Science programs may be required to be vaccinated to complete clinical hour requirements.
Each year, Southern Union State Community College prepares a Campus Security and Crime Report and distributes it to the College community. The report, which is issued by October 1, contains detailed information on campus police and security personnel, drug and alcohol abuse policies, sexual harassment policies, crime prevention, crime prevention tips, information on reporting criminal activity, and timely warnings regarding campus emergencies. The report also includes statistics concerning crimes on campus. For a complete copy of this report and to review additional information regarding campus.
Vaccination policy:
Southern Union State Community College does not have a policy regarding vaccinations; however, the College is concerned about the health and wellbeing of all members of the College community. Students admitted to Health Science programs may be required to be vaccinated to complete clinical hour requirements.
Information about the College
Southern Union State Community College, located in east central Alabama, is an open-access, public, two-year college operating as a part of The Alabama College System. The mission of the College is to provide quality academic, technical, and health science programs which are affordable, accessible, and responsive to the needs of the community, business, industry, and government. As an open-door institution, the College provides an educational program that compliments the various ability levels of a diverse student population. In support of these efforts, the College employs a highly qualified staff which is active in the planning and evaluation of all programs. The education offered allows for successful transfer entry into upper-level study at a senior college or university, trains for immediate employment upon completion of a technically-oriented program, and provides educational opportunities for those students interested in careers in the health care field.
Southern Union State Community College seeks to offer courses that address the diverse needs of the students and the community. It is the belief of the College that education is a lifelong process; thus, the College seeks to provide effective and relevant programs which assist students in recognizing and more fully utilizing their capabilities. The College seeks to provide students a wide range of opportunities to attain personal fulfillment and to prepare for their responsibilities as citizens. It is the intent of Southern Union to develop and maintain partnerships with business and industry, labor, government, professional organizations, and other academic institutions in order to ensure high quality educational programs and better serve students, employers, and the community as a whole. Through such partnerships, the College is attempting to meet the needs of the existing and future workforce. The College also strives to contribute to the intellectual and cultural activities of the community.
The mission statement is further defined through the institutional goals of Southern Union State Community College which follow:
- Provide a comprehensive and accessible program of instruction which offers opportunities for lifelong learning through pre-baccalaureate, technical, occupational, health science, and continuing education programs.
- Assist students in overcoming deficiencies and acquiring skills fundamental to further academic and career achievement.
- Provide a broad range of services to students which enhance the effectiveness of educational offerings and include academic advising, counseling, career planning, financial assistance, and extracurricular activities.
- Maintain the pursuit of excellence as the guiding principle for staffing and programming.
- Maintain cooperative relationships with other educational institutions and agencies at all levels to facilitate smooth articulation to and from college programs.
- Maintain cooperative relationships with public and social agencies, area businesses, and industries through close communication and provision of services and programs as needed or requested.
- Maintain systematic participation of the college staff in comprehensive institutional planning, management, and evaluation of college operations.
- Promote educational, cultural, and recreational enrichment of the community by extending college facilities and offering resources to the community.
Information about Student Financial Assistance
Through institutional, state, and federally subsidized assistance programs, Southern Union State Community College provides financial aid to students of academic promise and financial need. Part-time employment, scholarships, loans, and grants assist students who have difficulty meeting the financial obligations of college. All students are encouraged to apply for federal aid at Southern Union Community College is required to communicate the availability of financial aid programs to students and prospective students. Information regarding financial aid programs is included in the College Catalog and Student Handbook and on the College website. Individuals may also contact the Office of Financial Aid at the following locations:
Wadley Campus
750 Roberts Street
Wadley, AL 36276
Phone: (256) 395-2211
Opelika Campus
301 Lake Condy Road
Opelika, AL 36801
Phone: (334) 745-6437
Valley Campus
321 Fob James Drive
Valley, AL 36854
Phone: (334) 756-4151
Contact the Financial Aid Office for questions and concerns at
Policy regarding Transfer of Credit
The College is required to communicate its policy on transfer credit. Information regarding the College’s policies regarding transfer of credit is outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook and has also been included in this section. Students or prospects with questions regarding transfer of credit may contact the Registrar at (256) 395-2211 ext. 5155 or
General Principles for Transfer of Credit:
Course work transferred or accepted for credit toward an undergraduate program must represent collegiate course work relevant to the formal award. Course content and level of instruction must result in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in College undergraduate formal award programs. In assessing and documenting equivalent learning and qualified faculty members, the College may use recognized guides that aid in the evaluation for credit. Such guides include those published by the American Council on Education, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs.
Courses completed with a passing grade at other duly accredited institutions are accepted for transfer as potentially creditable toward graduation requirements. Transfer grades of D are accepted only when the transfer student’s cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or above. If a student has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above, the grade D is accepted the same as for native students.
Transfer Credit from Foreign Institutions
Students who have attended academic institutions outside the United States must submit an official translated copy of their high school transcript and college transcript translated by World Education Services, Inc. or Lisano International Foreign Education Credential Evaluation. Course descriptions must be included with the evaluation/transcripts. Transfer credit is not guaranteed and will be subject to the following conditions:
- Transfer credits must fall within the school’s guidelines and are subject to approval by the registrar, dean and/or program chair.
- Courses must be germane to a program/degree/certificate at Southern Union State Community College.
- A transfer grade of “D” will only be accepted when the transfer student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above at the institution where the “D” grade was earned. If the student has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, the grade “D” will be accepted the same as for native students.
Repayment Policy (Return of Title IV Aid)
A Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation is processed for a student who meets the following conditions: receives grant funds (or who meets the conditions that may entitle the student to a late disbursement), begins attending classes, and completely withdraws his/her period of enrollment. The Return of Title IV Funds calculation is a policy of the United States Department of Education that determines the amount of grant funds SUSCC and/or the student are to return to a federal financial aid program. The term “Title IV Funds” refers to the Federal Financial Aid Programs authorized under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended) that at SUSCC include the following programs: Direct Student Loans, Direct Plus Loans, Federal Pell Grants and Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants (FSEOG).
The student’s recalculated award amount is used in the Return of Title IV Funds calculation. The percentage of Title IV aid earned is found by dividing the number of calendar days completed by the time of withdrawal date by the number of calendar days in the term. If the student has completed more than 60% of the term, the student is considered to have earned 100% of the Title IV aid. The amount of Title IV aid earned is found by multiplying the amount of aid disbursed for the term plus what could have been disbursed by the percentage of Title IV aid earned. If the amount earned is less than the amount of aid disbursed, the difference must be returned. If the student earned more than what was disbursed, a late disbursement may be due. If the amount earned equals the amount disbursed, no return and no disbursement are to be made. SUSCC returns the lesser of (a) the total amount of unearned aid or (b) an amount equal to the student’s institutional charges multiplied by the percentage of aid unearned.
Effective Summer 2021 SUSCC opted to early implement the R2T4 Final Rules for modules as instructed by the Federal Register. These rules allow for withdrawal exemptions. Given these are exemptions, no R2T4 calculations are required given students meeting one or more of these exemptions are not considered withdrawn. In the case a return is needed, students are not expected to pay the college any money associated with Title IV calculations. The college will return the funds on behalf of the student with no further obligations due from the student, per college directive.
Rights and Responsibilities of aid Recipients
Information regarding student rights and responsibilities is outlined in the Catalog and Student Handbook and are included in this document for review. Students have the right to know the following information regarding financial aid at Southern Union State Community College:
- Financial aid programs available.
- Educational programs and services available
- Cost of attendance for programs
- Application process for all financial aid programs, including deadlines
- How financial aid recipients are selected
- Procedures for appealing decisions made by Financial Aid staff members
- How the College determines financial need
- How and when students will receive financial aid funds
Southern Union Community College refund policy
Job description and rate of pay for any job assigned under the Federal Work-Study program
How the College determines if students are making satisfactory academic progress and what happens if they are not.
Students have the following responsibilities:
- Completing applications correctly and on time
- Reading and understanding all materials sent from the Office of Financial Aid and other agencies
- Keeping copies of all documents submitted to the Office of Financial Aid
- Knowing and complying with the rules governing financial aid received
- Providing all documentation and information requested by the Office of Financial Aid
- Registering for the number of hours required for financial aid disbursement
- Maintaining satisfactory academic progress
- Using financial aid only for expenses related to attending Southern Union State Community College
- Checking College student e-mail account for financial aid information
- Keeping e-mail and mailing addresses up to date with the College and other financial aid agencies
- Informing the Office of Financial Aid of all colleges attending or previously attended.
Scholarship Fraud
On November 5, 2000, Congress passed the College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act to enhance protection against fraud in student financial assistance. According to the Federal Trade Commission, perpetrators of financial aid fraud often use luring lines to sell their scholarship services. Students should avoid any scholarship service or website which asserts any of the following statements:
• "This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back."
• "You can't get this information anywhere else."
• "I just need your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship."
• "We'll do all the work."
• "This scholarship will cost some money."
• "You've been selected by a 'national foundation' to receive a scholarship" or "You're a finalist" in a contest you never entered.
If you believe you have been the victim of scholarship fraud and wish to file a complaint, or want more information, call 1-877-FTC-HELP, 1-877-FTC-HELP or visit the Web site at
Student Activities
Southern Union Community College offers activities, programs, and services that promote academic support, leadership, and social and cultural experiences. An outline of student activities is included in the College Catalog and Student Handbook and on the College web site. Inquiries regarding student activities may be directed to the Office of the Coordinator of Student Life, at 256-395-2211
Student Body Diversity
Student demographic information is published each year in the Southern Union Community College Fact Book. Information is also reported to the National Center for Educational Statistics through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
A Quick Facts sheet is also available here: Quick Facts 2023-2024
Student Outcomes
Graduation, Transfer-Out and Retention Rates
The Southern Union State Community College maintains annual information regarding its graduation, transfer-out and retention rates for first-time full-time entering freshmen. While many students enter the College with varying educational goals, the College is required to disclose information for first-time full-time entering freshmen who are certificate or degree- seeking undergraduates and have completed their programs within 150% of the normal time for graduation. Graduation, transfer-out and retention rates are reported to the Department of Education through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data regarding the College’s graduation, transfer-out and retention rates are here. Students may also request a copy of the report by contacting Southern Union State Community College at (256) 395-2211.
Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes
Information regarding student demographics for athletes must be provided to potential student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically related student aid offer is made. For information, contact the Athletic Department, (256) 395-2211.
Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support
As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available upon request to students and the general public. For additional information or to receive a paper copy of the report, contact the Athletic Department, (256) 395-2211.
Employment and Graduates
According to institutional data, 62% of the graduates who completed their programs of study during the 2008-2009 academic years are employed in their field or a related
Official Transcript Request:
Official Transcripts are now available through Credentials Solutions by clicking the following link: Official Transcript Request. Once on the website, use the following instructions:
- Choose either "Order PDF Transcripts" or "Order Paper Hard-Copy Transcripts."
- Complete the information including your Student "A" Number (student ID) or your Social Security Number if you do not know your "A" Number.
- If you are a current student and wish to include the current semester's grades, be sure to select the hold for grades option when completing the request.
- The cost for a transcript is $5. Payments can be made with debit/credit cards.
You can also access the transcript request system through your mySUSCC account:
- Login to mySUSCC
- Select the "Student" Tab
- Select "Student Records"
- Select "Order Official Transcript"
- Follow the instructions for ordering.
Please note that any outstanding balances owed to the college must be paid before any official transcripts can be released. Beginning on December 15, 2020, no other form of transcript request can be accepted.
Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts can be printed from the mySUSCC web portal by selecting the "Student" tab, then "Student Records," and then "Unofficial Academic Transcript."
Additional Information
For more information, please contact the Admissions Office at
*For additional information refer to transcript policy in the college catalog.
Policy Regarding Transfer of Credit-Update College handbook link 21/22 and registrar ext 5183.
Tuition and Fee Schedule
Voter Registration
Alabama: To register to vote in the State of Alabama, students may complete an online registration at
Georgia: register to vote electronically in the State of Georgia, students may complete an online registration form at
Below is the voter’s registration link for students that live in other states:
Alabama: To register to vote in the State of Alabama, students may complete an online registration at
Georgia: register to vote electronically in the State of Georgia, students may complete an online registration form at
Below is the voter’s registration link for students that live in other states:
Alabama: To register to vote in the State of Alabama, students may complete an online registration at
Georgia: register to vote electronically in the State of Georgia, students may complete an online registration form at
Below is the voter’s registration link for students that live in other states:
Alabama: To register to vote in the State of Alabama, students may complete an online registration at
Georgia: register to vote electronically in the State of Georgia, students may complete an online registration form at
Below is the voter’s registration link for students that live in other states:
Withdrawal Procedures
Withdrawal from a single course
A student who wishes to drop a single course may do so online. Prior to the deadline date specified in the college calendar, the student will receive a grade of “W” for any course dropped. Withdrawal after the date specified in the calendar is permitted only under extenuating circumstances and requires the approval of the appropriate instructional dean. A grade of “W” is assigned if the student is doing satisfactory work and approval is given. Otherwise, a grade of “F” is assigned. Courses in which a final grade has been earned may not be dropped.
Note: Students may not drop a course in which a final grade has been earned prior to the published date to withdraw.
Withdrawal From the College |
A student may withdraw from the College online or by obtaining a “Withdrawal Request Form” from the Admissions Office. Any withdrawal before the deadline specified in the calendar will result in a grade of “W” in all courses. |
Administrative Withdrawal or Drop from a Course or from College |
A student may be administratively withdrawn from any course for the following reasons: |
Failure to adhere to a faculty member’s attendance criteria and/or policies as described in their course syllabus or in programmatic attendance criteria and/or policies as described in, but not limited to, Health Science Handbooks may result in administrative withdrawal before the published date for the last day to withdraw. |
Failure to comply with “Standards of Practice” as established by the Alabama Board of Nursing, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, or other regulatory or licensing agencies for programs of study in the Health Sciences Division. |
Students enrolled in a program within the Technical Education and Workforce Development Division of the College may be administratively withdrawn from any course for failure to attend class when the student has missed more than 20% of the total hours that the class meets. |
Administrative withdrawal from class may affect eligibility for federal financial aid. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for information. Students who are administratively withdrawn from a class will also be withdrawn from all co-requisite classes, if any. |
Administrative Withdrawal Appeal
Initiation of the Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Process: Within five (5) days of the College’s scheduled faculty duty days after the Administrative “W” has been posted in the student’s mySUSCC portal, the student must submit the following to begin the administrative withdrawal appeal process:
An Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Form - Level 1: The form may be obtained from the Assistant to the Dean of Academics, Health Sciences, or Technical Services, as appropriate.
A signed statement indicating rationale for the appeal: The statement signed by the student should include a detailed explanation of the reasons for why the administrative withdrawal should be overturned.
Any supporting documentation: Documentation may include, but is not limited to, medical records, obituaries, birth records, police reports, legal records, and documented military service.
Dean’s/Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Committee Decision: If the student’s second appeal was denied, the student has five (5) scheduled faculty duty days from notification of the chair/director’s response to submit an Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Form - Final Level requesting a review by the instructional dean or by the Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Committee. The preference of the student should be indicated on the Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Form - Final Level. If a choice is not indicated, the decision of whether to use a committee will be made by the instructional dean. The dean’s assistant will give a copy of all materials that had been submitted by the student, instructor, and chair/director by the appropriate deadline to either the appropriate dean or to the Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Committee. If chosen, the committee will review documents and make a recommendation to the dean. The dean’s assistant will send the response from the dean or the Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Committee to the student’s SUSCC email account. The instructional dean or Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Committee’s written decision cannot be appealed under the Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Policy.
The completed Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Form - Level 1, signed statement, and supporting documentation must be returned via email to the Dean’s Assistant. The Dean’s Assistant will log the appeal into the database and will email a copy of the student’s appeal form, statement, and documentation to the course instructor.
Students who appeal their administrative withdrawal are encouraged to remain in class while the appeal is under review.
Instructor Response: The instructor will prepare a formal written response within five (5) scheduled faculty duty days of the receipt of the appeal and submit the response to the appropriate Dean’s Assistant. The Dean’s Assistant will forward the instructor’s response to the student’s SUSCC email address.
If the appeal is granted and the student is to be reinstated in the class, the faculty member must submit a request to the Student Records Office for the student to be re-enrolled within five (5) scheduled faculty duty days.
If the student’s appeal is denied, the student may submit an Administrative Withdrawal Appeal Form - Level 2 to the Assistant to the Dean of Academics, Health Sciences, or Technical Services, as appropriate. The Dean’s Assistant will deliver copies of all documents to the department chair/program director who will analyze the appeal and provide a written response to the assistant within five (5) scheduled faculty duty days. The assistant will email the response from the department chair/program director to the student’s SUSCC email address.
Catastrophic Withdrawal Policies and Procedures
A Catastrophic Withdrawal may be granted in circumstances that are outside of the student’s control in which a serious catastrophic personal life situation prevents the student from attending classes or completing required classwork. A Catastrophic Withdrawal is intended to be considered on a case-by-case basis, and it is not intended to be used more than once per academic year. Catastrophic Withdrawal consideration is for a complete withdrawal from a given term. Students who have requested and received an Incomplete in a class will not be considered for a Catastrophic Withdrawal. All requests for Catastrophic Withdrawal require thorough, original, and credible documentation. If approved, a Catastrophic Withdrawal will be noted on the transcript with a symbol of “W.”
A Catastrophic Withdrawal may be requested upon recommendation of a licensed health care provider when a student cannot continue enrollment in his/her courses after the College’s published “last day to withdraw” date because of a serious physical and/or psychological condition. Additionally, a student may request and be considered for a Catastrophic Withdrawal when extraordinary personal reasons, not related to the student's physical or mental health, prevent the student from continuing in classes (examples may include caring for a seriously ill family member, death of an immediate family member, extreme financial hardship, a traumatic experience, or other significant personal hardship).
Requests for Catastrophic Withdrawals must be verified and approved by the Catastrophic Withdrawal Committee.
Before Submitting the Catastrophic Withdrawal Request Form
Students are strongly encouraged to consult with a financial aid counselor to identify and understand the financial aid and monetary implications of processing the request for Catastrophic Withdrawal.
International students with an F1/J1 visa are strongly encouraged to consult with the International Student Advisor to discuss the serious immigration consequences that may result from withdrawal from Southern Union State Community College.
Catastrophic Withdrawal Request Procedures
Secure the Licensed Provider Recommendation for Catastrophic Withdrawal information and signatures, as required. |
Complete and submit the Catastrophic Withdrawal Request Form after the published “last day to withdraw date and before the published “last class day” date. Submit complete and credible documentation to support the catastrophic event with the Catastrophic Withdrawal Request Form. Examples of documentation may include a copy of the death certificate of the student’s immediate family member, police report, hospital admission and discharge papers, etc. |
Refund for Summer Term
Specific dates are in the term schedule. Each refund period is approximately three days during summer term.
All refunds, other than 100% withdrawals, are subject to a 5% administrative fee, not to exceed
$100. Refunds are made at mid-term. Financial aid students are subject to the “Financial Aid Return of Title IV Funds Policy” found in the Financial Aid section of the Catalog.
Reduction in Credit Hours
Students who reduce their credit hours during the drop/add period will receive at mid-term a tuition adjustment at the applicable rate. After the end of the drop/add period, students who reduce their credit hours without withdrawing from the College will receive no tuition refund.
Room and Board
Room and board will be refunded as follows:
- Withdrawal prior to the published first day of class: full refund.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of first week of class: 75% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of second week of class: 50% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of third week of class: 25% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal after the end of the third week of class:
No Refunds will be issued for room & board. Residents will be responsible for the entire semester. In case of residence hall suspension, only advance payments for food will be refunded.
Short Courses
Full refunds for short courses will be given if students withdraw prior to the beginning of the class. After the class meets, no refund will be given
GBLA Policy
Click here for Southern Union's GBLA Policy
Withdrawal from a single course
A student who wishes to drop a single course may do so online or by obtaining a “Drop/Add Form” from the Records Office. Prior to the deadline date specified in the college calendar, the student will receive a grade of “W” for any course dropped. Withdrawal after the date specified in the calendar is permitted only under extenuating circumstances and requires the approval of the appropriate instructional dean. A grade of “W” is assigned if the student is doing satisfactory work and approval is given. Otherwise, a grade of “F” is assigned. Courses in which a final grade has been earned may not be dropped. A student may also drop a single course via the internet.
Note: Students may not drop a course in which a final grade has been earned prior to the published date to withdraw.
Catastrophic Withdrawal Policies and Procedures
A Catastrophic Withdrawal may be granted in circumstances that are outside of the student’s control in which a serious catastrophic personal life situation prevents the student from attending classes or completing required classwork. A Catastrophic Withdrawal is intended to be considered on a case-by-case basis, and it is not intended to be used more than once per academic year. Catastrophic Withdrawal consideration is for a complete withdrawal from a given term. Students that have requested and received an Incomplete in a class will not be considered for a Catastrophic Withdrawal. All requests for Catastrophic Withdrawal require thorough, original, and credible documentation. If approved, a Catastrophic Withdrawal will be noted on the transcript with a symbol of “W.”
*For additional information refer to administrative withdrawal policy of the college catalog.
Refund for Summer Term
Specific dates are in the term schedule. Each refund period is approximately three days during summer term.
All refunds, other than 100% withdrawals, are subject to a 5% administrative fee, not to exceed
$100. Refunds are made at mid-term. Financial aid students are subject to the “Financial Aid Return of Title IV Funds Policy” found in the Financial Aid section of the Catalog.
Reduction in Credit Hours
Students who reduce their credit hours during the drop/add period will receive at mid-term a tuition adjustment at the applicable rate. After the end of the drop/add period, students who reduce their credit hours without withdrawing from the College will receive no tuition refund.
Room and Board
Room and board will be refunded as follows:
- Withdrawal prior to the published first day of class: full refund.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of first week of class: 75% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of second week of class: 50% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of third week of class: 25% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal after the end of the third week of class:
No Refunds will be issued for room & board. Residents will be responsible for the entire semester. In case of residence hall suspension, only advance payments for food will be refunded.
Short Courses
Full refunds for short courses will be given if students withdraw prior to the beginning of the class. After the class meets, no refund will be given.
GBLA Policy
Withdrawal from a single course
A student who wishes to drop a single course may do so online or by obtaining a “Drop/Add Form” from the Records Office. Prior to the deadline date specified in the college calendar, the student will receive a grade of “W” for any course dropped. Withdrawal after the date specified in the calendar is permitted only under extenuating circumstances and requires the approval of the appropriate instructional dean. A grade of “W” is assigned if the student is doing satisfactory work and approval is given. Otherwise, a grade of “F” is assigned. Courses in which a final grade has been earned may not be dropped. A student may also drop a single course via the internet.
Note: Students may not drop a course in which a final grade has been earned prior to the published date to withdraw.
Catastrophic Withdrawal Policies and Procedures
A Catastrophic Withdrawal may be granted in circumstances that are outside of the student’s control in which a serious catastrophic personal life situation prevents the student from attending classes or completing required classwork. A Catastrophic Withdrawal is intended to be considered on a case-by-case basis, and it is not intended to be used more than once per academic year. Catastrophic Withdrawal consideration is for a complete withdrawal from a given term. Students that have requested and received an Incomplete in a class will not be considered for a Catastrophic Withdrawal. All requests for Catastrophic Withdrawal require thorough, original, and credible documentation. If approved, a Catastrophic Withdrawal will be noted on the transcript with a symbol of “W.”
*For additional information refer to administrative withdrawal policy of the college catalog.
Refund for Summer Term
Specific dates are in the term schedule. Each refund period is approximately three days during summer term.
All refunds, other than 100% withdrawals, are subject to a 5% administrative fee, not to exceed
$100. Refunds are made at mid-term. Financial aid students are subject to the “Financial Aid Return of Title IV Funds Policy” found in the Financial Aid section of the Catalog.
Reduction in Credit Hours
Students who reduce their credit hours during the drop/add period will receive at mid-term a tuition adjustment at the applicable rate. After the end of the drop/add period, students who reduce their credit hours without withdrawing from the College will receive no tuition refund.
Room and Board
Room and board will be refunded as follows:
- Withdrawal prior to the published first day of class: full refund.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of first week of class: 75% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of second week of class: 50% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal prior to the end of third week of class: 25% less 5% administrative fee.
- Withdrawal after the end of the third week of class:
No Refunds will be issued for room & board. Residents will be responsible for the entire semester. In case of residence hall suspension, only advance payments for food will be refunded.
Short Courses
Full refunds for short courses will be given if students withdraw prior to the beginning of the class. After the class meets, no refund will be given.
GBLA Policy
Southern Union State Community College SMS Terms and Conditions
This page provides the terms and conditions regarding SMS messaging communications from Southern Union State Community College.
Southern Union State Community College (the “College”, “We”, “SUSCC”) sends text messages using an SMS messaging service to communicate with students about application and enrollment deadlines, application updates, events, reminders, and other important information. Subscribing to the service is not required to apply for or to gain admission to the College. The service provides you with information via text messaging the College deems helpful and pertinent.
Southern Union State Community College students or prospective students may opt-in to receiving text messages (i.e., SMS messages) by selecting YES to the question “I would like to receive text messages regarding the enrollment process at Southern Union State Community College” during the application process. You may choose NO to opt-out. You may also opt-out at any time by replying STOP to any text message from SUSCC.
Messaging Cost
Standard messages and data rates from your wireless carrier may apply. When you opt-in to receive SMS messages, you are responsible for any carrier fees such as data plan charges, text message charges, tolls, out-of-area roaming, and other charges. Message frequency varies per month based on your student status and actions. Check with your mobile operator for details on receiving text messages (SMS).
Privacy Policy
Southern Union State Community College will not ask you for, nor should you provide personally identifiable information, passwords, or any other confidential or sensitive information in SMS messages. The College does not share your information with third parties except where permitted by the College. All mobile information you share with the College will remain confidential and will only be used by College representatives to assist you in a more efficient manner. The College does not share phone numbers with external sources.