Faculty Technology Resources

A variety of technology resources that can be useful while delivering your course online is available below.  Please contact the Distance Education office if you have additional questions.

(Click the + or - icon to collapse or expand the tiles.) 

There are many activities instructors can use in Canvas to create assignments, quizzes, etc.  Links to the most commonly used video tutorials for instructors are listed below. For a more comprehensive list of video tutorials, you will find more information at this Canvas site.

Canvas Overview


Modules (Organizing course)






Rich Content Editor

Gradebook Overview

If you prefer a written tutorial (with pictures), check out the Canvas Guides for Instructors.  Some that you may use most frequently are linked below:

Organizing your course in Modules 

Modules should be used to organize the content of a course

Creating information Pages

Pages store course content that doesn’t necessarily belong in an assignment. They can include text, images, videos, and links.  View more guides about pages at  Canvas Guides for Instructors

Putting assignments in Canvas 

View additional information about assignments at Canvas Guides for Instructors.  


SpeedGrader allows an instructor to view and grade students’ assignment submissions using a simple point scale or a complex rubric.  View additional information about SpeedGrader at Canvas Guides for Instructors

Putting Quizzes in Canvas 

Find out additional information about quizzes at Canvas Guides for Instructors

Using Canvas Discussions 

Discussions can be used for communication between two users in a course, a group of users, or an entire class. They can also be created as an assignment and graded.  See additional information at Canvas Guides for Instructors

The instructor will need to make the Google link available to students in each course. See the directions for Using Google in Canvas above for making links available to students.

Students and educators are eligible for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. All you need is a valid school email address. It's not a trial – so get started today.

Sign up for free!  (You must use your school email address)

Canvas Studio can be accessed through the Studio button in the global navigation bar inside Canvas or through Southern Union's Canvas Studio site address:  suscc.instructuremedia.com
Video Guide:  Using Studio
Video Guide: Managing Media
Canvas Guides- Studio Guides

Meet virtually with your students DURING the scheduled class meeting time.  Note: Make sure to announce this plan to students in advance.

Link to video tutorial for Moderator/Presentor role

See also: Web Conferencing Resources

What is Google Meet:

Google Meet is a video-conference-calling platform designed primarily for professional use, which links remote colleagues together for real-time interaction.

Google Meet Quick Start Guide

To create a Google Meet:

  1. Login to your SU email account

  2. Click on the Menu icon and select Meet

  3. Click on the + icon to create a Google Meet

  4. Give the Meeting a name (ex, ORI101 or section number)

  5. Click on Join Now. This will generate a sharable link and number students can use to
    access the meeting.

Other Google Meet Guides: