Student Resources

The information on this page will guide you in finding the information and services you need to succeed in college.  This page includes an excerpt from the complete information that can be obtained by clicking on the links within each topic. 

Student Resources

Students should be familiar with college policies and procedures. The SUSCC Student Handbook and Catalog is the official publication that contains the policies and procedures followed by Southern Union. The Catalog provides information related to academic policies and available support services,  as well as students' responsibilities, expectations, and rights.   Below is a partial list of important policies and support services you will find more information about in the Student Handbook and Catalog:

Important Links 

Student Handbook for Online Learning  (important information for a student considering online, virtual, and hybrid courses)

Online Services (information about all SU online accounts)

Accessibility Statements and Privacy Policies for all technology used in Distance Education


Student Support Services

Distance Education Support 

How to Contact Online Technical Support

Canvas Support

  • Local Canvas support from SUSCC: or call ext 5370, 5516 or 5378 during business hours. 

  • Canvas 24/7 Support for problems with Canvas LMS

    • Phone: Call the Canvas Support Hotline (Students) 1-844-569-569 

    • Chat: Click the Help button on the bottom of the blue navigation bar at the far left. Choose "Chat with Support (Students)

  • Check out the Canvas Student Quick Guide or these Canvas Video tutorials.

For course links or publisher content support:

  • Email your instructor and give a clear, detailed description of the problem.  Screenshots of the problem or error message are preferred!

  • For publisher content, check your course to find out if there is a technical support contact listed.  If not, contact your instructor.

Emergency Laptop Loan Program

In the event of an emergency, Southern Union has laptops for loan.  To borrow a laptop for the current semester, you must be a registered student. Complete the Technology Request Form and your request will be considered on an individual basis.  After approval, laptops may be picked up in the Library/Learning Resource Center (LRC) on the campus you attend.